Common questions

What is the status of my order?
After placing your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. Once your order has been shipped, we will send you another email along with the link to track your order. Alternatively, you can track the status of your order from your "Order History" section of your account page on the website.

Can I change my order?
We can only change orders that have not yet been processed for delivery. To make changes to your order, please contact support by submitting your request using the "Contact Us" form.

What payment methods do you accept?
You can purchase on our site using Debit, Credit Card, Net Banking or UPI. Additionally, we support Paypal, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paytm and other wallets. You can choose these payment methods at checkout.

Do you accept returns?
Yes, we accept returns subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: - the item must be sold in our online store - the item was not supposed to be used in any way - the item must be in its original packaging with all tags, etc. - the return or exchange request is made within 7 days of delivery. To request a refund, please contact support by submitting your request using the "Contact Us" form. A member of our support team will respond as soon as possible.

Can I exchange an item?
We accept exchanges and they follow the same conditions as returns. - The item must be sold in our online store - The item should not have been used in any way - The item must be in its original packaging with all tags, etc. - The return or exchange request is made within 30 days from the date of shipment To request an exchange, please submit your request using the "Contact Us" form ". A member of our support team will respond as soon as possible.

Do you do same day delivery?
We deliver on the same day provided you place your order before 12 noon on the same day.

Where do you ship?
We currently ship in the United States, Canada, Australia, France, the United Kingdom and Germany. For shipping outside these countries, please contact our customer support via the contact form.

My order has been returned to origin (RTO). What it means?
Shipments are expressed as RTO (returned to origin) in the following circumstances: - a delivery was made more than once but could not be sent because of an incorrect address or because no one is present at the given address - the address was not found because it was either incomplete or the code -Incorrect PIN - You or someone at your delivery address refused to accept the order In these circumstances, our customer support team will attempt to contact you on your registered phone number. If there is no response on this number or it cannot be reached, the packet is returned to the source.

How long will it take to ship my order?
Delivery times may vary depending on the delivery location as well as the type of product you order. Normally, once the order is placed, it usually takes 24 to 36 hours to process and mark it as ready for shipping.

How can I cancel my order?
If you want to cancel your order, you can send an email or call customer support.

How do I add or remove products after placing my order?
After placing the order, you will not be able to make changes to the site. Please contact our customer support team using the 'Contact Us' form for any order changes.

How can I track the progress of an order?
Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email and text alert with your order details. You can track your shipment by clicking the link in the email.

Can I change my shipping address after I have placed my order?
If your order has not been shipped yet, we can ship to another address upon your request. To know more, you can contact us using the 'Contact Us' form.

How do I pay in cash using the delivery method (at Kodesh)?
Payment via the COD option is easy. Just follow these simple steps: On the website, select the products you need to purchase, add them to your shopping cart and then on the payment and order review page, select cash on delivery (COD) as your payment method and click the 'Complete Purchase' button. After confirmation, your order will be shipped. After the courier agent delivers the order, you will need to pay him the full amount of the order in cash.

Is it safe to use my credit/debit card on this site?
We use third party payment processing services to process all credit/debit card payment transactions. These payment intermediaries are PCI compliant, which is the strictest level of certification that ensures all cardholder data is stored, processed and transmitted securely using industry-standard encryption technology.